Sheet Music
Start A Song
A series is a grouping system used for things with multiple parts. Like books with chapters, and song with lyrics. You can start a song by adding a series below.
Here’s How
- Type the name of your song (Can be changed later)
- Select Song Lyrics as a category
- Thats it! Now you can add lyrics.
Add New Lyrics To A Song
It’s okay to write lyrics without a song attached, and another member might be able to add your lyric to a great audio! You can even add your own audios of any format- to your lyric. Does this lyric mean something special to you or is it better expressed alongside an image or video? Yes.
Here’s How
- Add your title and lyrics
- Select your song from the series list
- Select lyric a a category
- As you add more lyrics they will be added to a table of contents at the beginning of each part, and you can move sort and edit them from each page.
You can add any block you want to here! Click + for the full selection.
Browse Loose Lyrics
Loose Lyrics are not attached to a song and deemed usable by other members in audio projects, and as poetry. To use another members lyric in your project, please include a link to their original lyric.
What is one of your all time favorite lines or lyrics in a song?
Let’s get a list going of the best ever lyrics- we can pull from here for inspiration, tee shirts, memes, stories. If you want to say WHY you like it or tell about a personal story that this line is attached to for YOU- that would make it more beautiful and personal to us too <3
The following code :
T:La Vie En Rose
Produces This:
You can write one below
- Click the + and type “sheet” into the searchbox
- Click “Music Sheet Viewer”
- Then type your code into the new Music Sheet Viewer section on your page
- There are settings to the right
- Choose your player, font, and you can even upload a larger piece of music from a file.
The following code :
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Artist: Neil Young
# Album: Harvest
# Released: 1972
# ---------------------------------------------------
{title:Heart Of Gold}
{subtitle: A song about looking for true love}
{artist: Neil Young}
{composer: Neil Young}
{year: 1972}
{album: Harvest}
{comment: Verse 1}
[Em]I wanna l[C]ive, [D] I wanna g[G]ive.
[Em]I've been a m[C]iner for a h[D]eart of g[G]old.
[Em]It's these expr[C]essions [D] I never g[G]ive.
[Em] That keep me searchin’ for a [G] heart of gold
[C] And I'm getting’ old. [C] [Cmaj7] [C6] [G]
[Em] Keep me searchin’ for a [G] heart of gold
[C] And I'm getting’ old. [C] [Cmaj7] [C6] [G]
Produces This:
These known chords are used in this song.
Heart Of Gold
A song about looking for true love
You can write one below
- Click “Templately”
- Click “My Cloud”
- Find “Tab” and click “Insert”
- Fill in your information
- Name & Publish! #Composer