Happy Good Day To YOU!

Company Messages

Self Care- Always start here!

It’s science. Do the things, be the happy. First priority for the entire Convergence, is that all of us are happy, healthy and taken care of.

What’s Next?

It takes getting used to. Freedom…


I think a lot of us aka All modern humans, have been taught for a long time, that only a certain range of things hold value v time, and capitalism has been telling us all that other things- are a waste of time. No. Do your favorite thing, It’s not a waste of time and lord knows there’s articles, statistics and proof. That we do not need to read to know- do what you love it’s why you are here.

My daddy loved trains- and could build magical life-like miniature WORLDS. Nowadays he could do some cool things with that “hobby”. My dad was lucky and got a job doing something he super enjoyed- real early on. (Electrician) But if he hadn’t- he could make videos of his miniature worlds- here. Someone could narrate it and make childrens stories aweeee… and we could make a friggin train website and sell the very cool (and expensive) miniature things. Why? Because friend if YOU love it- and only one in a million people love that thing, you have 8000 customers… like why the heck not?

Translate this into your passion, and utilize The Auffice as a tool to create a niche where your passion can live. Everyone will help- because- we all love different thingssssss <3 gah isn’t is so pretty.

PS I Love You and THANK YOU for loving the things you love! Without you there’s a hole in the puzzle <3

Creative Day Ideas

This one’s easy. And kind of unnecessary, but for the sake on consistency: How do you feel creative? Run wild friend. We have tons of creative tools… everywhere. Do you have some bee bop in you today? Record it! Song in your head? Write it.


Been wishing someone would make a mashup of two particular songs bc you KNOW they would match? (Thats mine) and I am going to make it! After this site! haha. Sometimes scrolling through all the pretty images (they are really great and inspirational) in the image search hits off my creative spontaneous jump to do something cool. Sometimes I just deedle with the stuff and get ideas that way. Sometimes I only know I want to make something, and have no idea what. And basically ALL the time I super enjoy playing with various editors. Canva is awesome bc you can do pictures AND video with SO many choices of templates and elements to add on. I love it. We should probably find out if there is an affiliate program since I could be so honest and say they are awesome. Someone make a task for that please.

Emotional Day Ideas

Our BIG feelings- will make the things we do successful. This is not the place for the crossover conversation between religion and science. That is located in THIS PROJECT someone join me please. But if you look into manifestation area topics- you will see the lane I’m driving in.

Is it the kind of emotion day where you hear a song and the goosebumps are so giant it almost hurts your skin, and you see pictures of happy people scroll by and feel SOOOOO. (So… so so so ) happy for them… and you can see all the shiny hopeful beauty in the world and you have cried and welled up a hundred times already today?

  • Great day to look at causes and charity and kindness! There are others that are having the opposite day and could use the energy shift from your happy. In other words- use the “extra-ness” on humans that need a LOT of attention right now. Directed overflow.
  • If you are feeling connected to all the things- it’s probably a great day for creativity too. Maybe start a hundred projects- get all the ideas noted. Don’t LOSE them!!
  • THIS is the kind of feeling that all the people need to feel. ANYTHING you write and make and do and say while you feel that way – will give it to other people too! You know the best songs are those sung from a place of experience- because the artist feels what they are saying legitimately, so WEEEE feel what they are feeling too. Bam. Killer song. Do that, but with YOUR favorite thing.
  • If you feel EXCITED about something SO big that it makes you feel this way- now is the time to share that THING!! Write an article draft or even just record yourself talking about it for later. Is it time to do a big thing and make a spark? Should we make a new site? Start a new cause or event? Do you want to start a group about your favorite topic and get others excited about it? Directed overflow!

Are you having the opposite day? Are there no words or a thousand words floating in a word cloud? Are you sad or BLANK feelinged or… are you under a blanket right now? Is it a hooded I’m not moving out of bed day? Is it a day that you can’t even concentrate on anything? Or- your body is moving through the day doing the things while your head stares at the ceiling? I love you!! Don’t forget it will end, and we have all felt that way, and want it to make it easier for eachother.

  • Don’t hide away until it is over- let us try to help
  • GO to self care and DO THE THINGS even tho you do not want to do the things- they help. Someone will do them WITH you. Go to the body double chat (tools) it really helps! If you have a PDA profile- do not do the things. They do not work with a PDA profile.
  • Purposeful stimming. If my inner energy is no good- for some reason dancing and singing and tap tapping – REconnects me with the good energy on the outside. So do it on purpose. We are lucky our bodies try to do this FOR us! Lets help them out, take the advice thank you body- and stim on purpose.
  • Sometimes your body is sad with your head- or the heartbeat is too extra from anx to stand up- Try this out! Put a dumbbell at the foot of the bed. When you inevitably get up to use the bathroom or… something- pick it up. JUST ONCE. It activates the muscle in that just once and will make you want to move instead of not want to. So you won’t have to overcome that part so much.
  • Have you done the thing yet where you use your senses on your immediate surroundings? Pink blanket mmm soft. (tickley hair in my face grrrrr ahhhh)
  • Have you tried Ice and hot peppers and have you done the self care things??? Do you need a hug?
  • Big feels are big feels. Good or bad, they still make for really good creative output. I am sure that some of the best songs and paintings and poems – were made during times of big pain. Put your sad into your chosen medium, and then your bad feel did not go to waste and it helped someone else.

Curious Day Ideas

I do not know how to complete this section with honestly. I am curious 144% of the time. And that drives basically my every action. So I guess you guys might be always curious too?

This was supposed to house the research idea. Make a project about your curiosity- lets get it organized and really find out big things! We have big curiosities- deep well connected curiosities. We can find answers others cannot. I believe we are looking at questions others are not. Do not STIFLE THAT because it is different holy crap!!!

PLEASE be the different.

The world has been really missing out on the solutions that will come from it. That is over now.

Angry Day Ideas

I am sorry you experienced something that made you angry. What is it about? What’s the root? It must be something that needs to change and has not yet changed. Whether in your personal life or the actions of others or the world. Or your environment or outfit or sometimes- how you view yourself.


Are you in the most physically comfortable environment you can be right now? I sometimes sit WAY too long being irritated with a thing I could just change real quick. Idk why. This is your reminder to stand up and change clothes and pull the blanket fold from under your butt. And whatever else lmao. Make your body be as comfy as you can. First.

Next- what needs to change?

*Personal life? We sure may not have all but we do have some solutions, and we’ve tried to hit the important things. Check in self care under resources first. See if your particular predicament has been covered. If not I bet one of us has had the same problem before. Please ask and do not be shy. There are a few different peer support chats in the resource section too.

*Actions of others? No. It’s one of those crappy truths. I sure wish everyone was nice and kind but they are not and we cannot show them to be or make them to be. All we can do is understand that they are coming from some place of trauma themselves, and their own survival mechanism made them act that way. Mine made me a people pleaser for a really long time. But it’s a survival mechanism just the same. It makes it a little easier to lighten the anger at others crap actions. The hard part is learning to not only- not take it personally, but also that JUST because we understand and do not hate- does not mean that is allowed in your beautiful energy. If you find yourself angry with the actions of others, step away from those others until they do not make you feel angry. THEN- find out why their action made you mad. Anger comes from being made to feel… screwed over in some way. Something taken unfairly… so don’t forget to be curious. What feels unsafe without- what that person took. Physical, metaphorical, js. Good thinker. Curious is nicer than angry <3

*The World Needs To Change? You say??


We agree please divert this anger into one of the very many good causes! This is passion tooooooo! Your fire will help the changing happen!!! Feel that passion for the hope that together we can fix this crap- and feel the happiness of the future that includes… fixed crap haha. Head to Advocacy or Causes- Find one that gets you hot or create one for the very problem that is pissing you off right now! How about one of these?

United States School System Reform

Medical Insurance Industry Reform

Food Is Free Education Crusade

It happens and I love it and my self care section does not love it… but the focus zoomies gets a lot of work done. When I feel this way- if I do not have a project that already has my curiosity and interest, I will inevitably make a new one. To hold all the zoomies.


It might be a good time to zoom through tedious things, or the small tasks that in truth only take 5 minutes, yet sit on the list because they never make it to the top of priority… It’s a great time to do a BUNCH of those in a row.

I do not know the science, but I feel like there has to be some- that when I have the focus zoomies, I do not blink right. Or breathe lol I find myself holding my breath. <big skip to point> It might be a good time to do tasks that involve looking at codes spreadsheets databases – visually busy things where you need to comprehend pieces… can’t lose your place…can’t blink haha. But I mean it.

As for directed overflow- use it while you have it. If you have extra DOING capacity- it’s a good day to help a friend that might not have any at all. Do some jobs on the board that are no fun or expiring soon.

Invent something. Publish an article about a WAY out there theory of yours. I’m guessing you are correct friend. Don’t find anything you like? We better get a new site. What is it gonna be?

What if you need help?

Of course you do! Who are you, Superman? For any site issues – pretty please check the Q&A, and the Course- How To Use This Site– **FIRST. I too am not Superman lol. As members ask and answers questions in the Q&A, our knowledge base will grow and there will be few questions unanswered. But when we first kick off- I anticipate many. If you cannot find the answer to your question, please do chat me!

For help with jobs and overall “getting shiz done?” We are all good at different things. We all LIKE to do different things.That is why we made the job board. So we do not lose umph when there is a task on our list we do not want to do. So we can spend our energy on our passion. (Purpose) In the organizer you will find the Job Posts page. That is where YOUR posted jobs will show up!

If there is a task you do not want to do- or know how to do- Click the “Add Job” button. You can make that task a job on the job board for someone else to pick up for stakes! EVEN- creating the project and tasks FOR your creative project- can be a job for someone else.

Do what you love.

What If You Are uninspired?

One of our friends has a job posted that you might enjoy. LOOK and listen to the inspiration things lol. The image search has so many beautiful pictures and moods and feelings and the right playlist can basically decide the mood and atmosphere. And ya know what? Maybe you are supposed to be uninspired today. Maybe something is incoming that requires your attention. Its okay to feel ALL the ways you feel. And, there are still things to do today that will help you and the community.

The question is- are you unhappy with how you are feeling. Sometimes when I am sad, I listen to sad songs. Almost TOOOO get the big sad cry out of it. While I do not think this is necessarily healthy, I like to hack myself when possible. Perhaps if you are feeling meh- you should do the meh things. Boring junk poo stuff. Like for me- it is editing the product catalog spreadsheet. Its ugly and there’s no calculating. I will absolutely make a job for it- and sometimes making the jobs is boring. If nothing looks good it might be a good time to do that. Since I feel meh anyhow. We could call that- matching frequencies. That may be going too far haha.

What If There’s No jobbin in ya today?

Love is a job. It is as necessary as water and we do not take it lightly. Happy loved members make company better make money bigger. But that’s not why. That will just be a lovely side effect. The why is because holy shit people that is how it always should have been.

If you have emotions keeping you down or you have some extra loving in you bubbling over today- head to the support page. ASKING for love and giving love both earn stakes. ps i love you!

Wanna know what else is good for the company? When you do nothing if you need time to do nothing. Doing NOTHING is self care af. And frankly when you are able to allow yourself to do nothing, and NOT feel guilty or lazy or malfunctioned because of your needs- doing NOTHING will be able to do EVERYTHING it was meant to. Heal. And that kind of self love- to give that to yourself??! Chillsssss friend bc that is evolved af.

What If You Are Stressed From Unmanaged adulting?

<3 You do not have to keep it a secret anymore, or pretend its fine here. Been there. In fact that’s why the Auffice was built in the very first place. Emergency management. Let’s admit it’s not easy. I am often amazed at the level of things I can do, vs the level of things I need help with. Build a cool website? Easy peasy. Google a resource that will help me find a doctor? HA impossible. It often seems very backwards and that makes it hard to make sense of not being able to accomplish something. It brings shame and that was very wrong.

Just like the rest, that shame was a product of lack of community. A community like this, where we realize we are all different. We like different things. We are good at different things. And that is not disorderly. It is good.

Use our adulting tools, templates, reminders, resources. Use our community. Post jobs that are very hard. Please someone find me a primary care doctor in Buffalo. Use our resources, and add to the list. Write a lesson about a hard adulting thing you went through already so a friend can know exactly what to expect. When we share, the possibilities are endless.

How Can I help grow the business and make a larger paycheck?

I do not have the math color of autism. My brain works like math- and I can easily theoretically understand all of it… I did well in math CLASS. But as far as business math, I am entirely uneducated. I trust that my theories will end up the way I think they will when written by a math person. I look very forward to a math person writing this in their language!

At 30 members, our estimated Area51 Fund is $578. At 100 members that becomes $3800.

Anticipated First 3 Months

Upon launch- We will have an initial rush of potential members and customers, while each of our properties has minimal product to serve them, absent of member contributions, and the job board will have few choices.

The first few days we will have only a small number of members- not ENTIRELY able to support the “do what you love” concept. The first few members might have to do some things they do not love in order for the project to move forward. If the first 10 members share in their groups or tell a friend- we will get to a sustainable number of members pretty quickly- that will be able to now fully support the “do what you love” concept.

The first month we will have more members adding things, than customers buying things. The first few paychecks will not be very exciting at all.

Soon members will begin to feel at home and like they can be themself. Strip misconceptions. Embrace, hope… good feelings is my hope! Self care and confidence and security for basic worries being cared for will make members feel gradually safer. Stronger. More able to say the weird thing.

The weird things will start to be said.

Members will feel care about this business because of the safety, acceptance, and freedom of expression. There will be more great ideas than we can implement, while the quality and amount of content increases.

Member # grow exponentially- as do shares, visits, content adds, article output, and external links and mentions of the business, which bring steady and organic increase in customers and purchases. Paychecks grow measurably with each additional member.

At 30 members, our estimated Area51 Fund is $578, with a $50 average paycheck WHEN each member does the following actions monthly. This does not include ANY other sales which will 100% occur and increase these numbers. BUT- since I am not the math person I do not know how to quantify possibilities.

Uses Instacart for themself
Causes 1 person to use Instacart
Causes friend/fam sale on any site
Causes social media share > sale on any site
Contributes 30 Youtube views
CAUSES 30 Youtube views
Causes a donation

How to help? We want the customer growth part- to happen at the same time as the member growth. Adding to content and utilizing creativity and caring for ourselves and caring for the WORLD- all have a hand in making this awesome. But to make the time curve change so that the paychecks are larger, faster, for all the members- we need to do a few things:

    • So they are not alone. And found. And taken care of.
    • ‘Others’ have friends and family who may become a customer to enthusiastically support their person.
    • We have the ability to add a huge range of products to our stores. I made myself a shop with all the things I usually buy. Now I can buy them from myself instead. We cannot add everything, and most stuff I buy is not for online shopping, but OF my online shopping, I can do a lot of it here bc I am in charge of having the product I want. I am not suggesting that all our members do that. BUT. Would be a lot cooler if you did. It is free income for the company without us having to spend anything or do anything extra in our life.
    • Click through our links! If you shop on Amazon- click our link to get there. We will get a commission from what you are ALREADY buying.
  3. SHARE- anything, everything ,anywhere, everywhere- what we need is customers landing on our properties and buying our stuff. There is a natural turn of events that will bring them. But we can alter that by just telling more people about it.
  4. MONTHLY- If each member does the following actions monthly, our growth will go as planned.
    • Uses Instacart for themself
    • Causes 1 person to use Instacart
      • I like Instacart as a revenue source because everyone purchases groceries anyways. We have several ways to make their lives easier, as listing and choosing the groceries is a difficult task for many. Our customers can choose a finished menu with list to order all of their needs in one click. For this service we get 5% of their grocery bill- which- is a good chunk of money, and is not costing anyone extra!
    • Causes friend/fam sale on any site
    • Causes social media share > sale on any site
    • Contributes 30 Youtube views
    • CAUSES 30 Youtube views
      • When our YouTube channel gets 4000 hours of views, we can be monetized, at which time we will earn an average of $20 per 1000 views. If we each watch one per day, at 33 members we accomplish that with NO other viewers. If we share our videos and cause just ONE other person to do the same- that amount doubles. If we have 100 members do the same- those numbers change to $60/$120, and this includes NO dominoes or exponents.
      • It is against the rules to incentivise watching videos, so we cannot offer stakes for that promotion activity. Please watch and share the videos that you contributed to or just actually love. You’ll love some.
    • Causes a donation- We take as little as a dollar. We deserve a dollar.
    • Math friends- evaluate the numbers- where are the spikes and what caused them? What sells best, gets the best social media click rate- we could use some AB testing and research.
    • Creative friends- don’t be shy, or second guess your product or its worth, or wonder what people will think of it. I promise you if your big feelings are in the thing you did- whatever the heck you did- that thing is going to be magical. Powerful to SOMEone. Who also feels that feeling. Matched frequency. And it will provide comfort. So don’t be stingy.
    • Friends with connections- it doesn’t hurt to ask right? If you happen to know an influencer with oh so many followers, that wants to help our cause grow? Send them our way.

what if i just want to make the world a happier place?

YESSSSS get it then. There are no requirements here, and you can put all of the focus you want into JUST advocacy causes. Heck if you are REALLY into changing one particular thing- go ahead and spend all of your time here it. (do what you love) We have tools to help facilitate your success whether you would like to change some messed up policy or fundraise for something important. We like happy planets too! In fact we so very like happy planets- several of our properties are secretly dedicated to branches of the fixing tree. Clean Rite Maids has all organic household stuff. WNY Community has listings and resources helping people find or build intentional communities and homesteads. Zaga is soooo cruelty free and ALLLL of them- are about acceptance. Love you thank you for being a human that opened this tab <3

how and where can I see and vote on Company issues?

Right here. We have two hashtags for voting so far. We will inevitably have more. NOW- we have #aestheticvotes and #financialvotes. You can find any open polls by searching those hashtags in the feed- or access the list of open polls right here.

Aesthetic Decisions and Votes
Financial Decisions and Votes
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