Step 1:
Below are some premade dashboards you can use to make yours. Click on the image to go to a live demo. Each element of the dashboards below are also available to use if you want to put together your own thing. Once you find the elements you want- follow the instructions below!
Audio Dash
Visual Dash
Writers Dash
Step 2:
In the editor below, click the + button, and then Patterns.
Step 3:
Scroll down the list of pattern folders until you find “Personal Dashboards”
Step 4:
To select your dashboard just click on its picture and it will be inserted into your page! It will show up with html code in some spots. If you hover over them you will see a preview button.
Step 5:
Scroll to the VERY bottom of the page above. You will see this:
Select your username from the box and scroll back to the VERY top to publish.
That’s It!
When you go back to the Personal Dashboard, your private Page will be displayed.
Everything is fully customizable. If you want to play around with it, GO for it! If you need directions there are lessons available at University. You can edit any time by going to your posts in lyrical.