I personally do not think advertisements belong on this site. It is clean. If you disagree please join the discussion HERE
Amazon product integrated throughout shop
Members have the ability to add products from Amazon in submissions- which will be displayed with a button “Buy on Amazon” and we earn between 2% and 5% commission from these purchases, and we have zero financial or customer responsibility.
Product Sales
Dropshipping product integrated throughout shop
Members have the ability to add products from AliExpress in submissions- which will be an onsite purchase that we earn 40%-55% of the purchase price.
We are in charge of manually initiating fulfillment of orders and handling all customer service.
Right NOW Cynthia is in charge of ^^ until traffic and order#s increase when it will become a job.
NA- there are no services available on Earthy Home Decor
Business Opportunity
NA- there are currently no business opportunities available on Earthy Home Decor