The unusual, over-the-top, eclectic coming together of styles for your body and your home. neuroconvergence is live, functional, and LOADED with cool stuff already.

The convergence is the gathering place where all our sites come together, and members who want to, can open their own shop.
Members contributions include:
Product collection curation as a form of self expression. Our members can search through literally millions of dropshipping products from verified suppliers, and create a collection that SCREAMS- them. This allows members a creative outlet for self expression and makes for an exciting, well-organized online store that serves a variety of demographics in a visually pleasing way.

Creative members also contribute graphics, imagery, unique and descriptive product descriptions, and social media graphics and post copy.
Members in a technical mood contribute in ads, analytics, stock management, fulfillment, site maintenance, scheduling social media posts, and promotion.

Because of the variety of genre cohesively included in this site, we also have the opportunity to include relevant articles throughout the store, that our niche customer wants to read. Members can earn stakes for contributing to articles about the lifestyle behind the collections on this site, and we earn legitimate organic SEO goodies from each one.